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Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)

Enterprise Singapore (ESG)

Enterprise Development Grant

The Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) supports projects that help you upgrade, innovate, grow and transform your business. Submit your individual project proposals with details on your business plans and project outcomes to take your business further.

EDG funds qualifying project costs namely third-party consultancy fees, software and equipment, and internal manpower cost.

 Up to 50% of eligible costs for local SMEs

From 1 April 2023, SMEs can receive up to 50% support for EDG (sustainability-related projects may be supported at up to 70% from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2026). Please refer to the Enterprise Sustainability Programme page for more details.

Note: The previously-enhanced grant support levels were extended for a time-limited period given the exceptional disruptions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, to encourage the transformation of the economy and to help businesses emerge stronger from the pandemic.


 Business entity registered and operating in Singapore

 Company has at least 30% local equity held directly or indirectly by Singaporean(s) and/or Singapore PR(s), determined by the ultimate individual ownership

 Company is financially ready to start and complete the project. Commonly used financial indicators, such as the current ratio, will be used for assessment.


Applications will be assessed by EnterpriseSG based on project scope, project outcomes and competency of the service provider.

Employers eligible for the SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit can qualify for additional subsidies under the scheme.


Project Categories 

Today and into the future, companies that thrive are the ones that have strong business foundations and strategies, adopt technology and innovative processes, and grow their overseas presence. 

EDG helps Singapore companies grow and transform. This grant supports projects that help you upgrade your business, innovate or venture overseas, under three categories:

How to apply

1. Identify the project category you wish to apply for.

2. There are no pre-approved vendors for the EDG.

If you apply for EDG support for management consultancy-related costs, you must engage management consultants with the Singapore Accreditation Council -accredited TR 43 or SS 680 certification.

These certifications recognise individual management consultants who possess the adequate know-how, competence, professional and ethical conduct to provide consultancy services, in accordance with TR 43:2015 / SS 680:2021. Management consultants are incited to obtain TR/SS-certification from the accredited personnel certification bodies, but this is not a mandatory certification and not a licence to operate.

However, to tap the EDG grant, the consultants must be certified except for:

  • Members/ specialists in the consultancy team who are not providing management consultancy services, but are performing dedicated functions, such as market research, audit, fieldwork, design/ artwork, equipment installation, and drafting of legal agreements.
  • Consultants offering technical advice and expertise in the development of new technology, and solutions vendors.

General competency

✔ Relevant academic qualifications

✔ Breadth of consultancy experience

✔ Good track record and client testimonials

Domain expertise

✔ Knowledge or familiarity with clients' industry (e.g. business landscape, trends, best practices)

✔ Knowledge or expertise in the business function related to clients' project (e.g. financial management, HR management)

Soft skills

✔ Ability to synthesise information quickly and assess clients' issues accurately

✔ Resourcefulness in gathering information or resources for the clients' project

3. Apply on the Business Grants Portal (BGP)

You will need to sign in to your Corppass account to transact on the BGP portal. Sign up if you do not have a Corpass account yet, and use this guide for any help needed.

Third party companies are not allowed to apply or manage the grant on behalf of applicant companies.

Check that you have prepared your project proposal and relevant supporting documents for your application.

Note that projects must be new, have not commenced, and are not generating any revenue at the point of grant application.

Projects are considered to have commenced if any of the following took place before the application date:

  • Applicant started work
  • Applicant made payment to third-party, who is part of the application
  • Applicant signed contractual agreement with a third party, who is part of the application

Note: A complete submission will usually take 8 - 12 weeks from the time you submit your project application. We may contact you via the BGP for clarifications.

Links to other Websites

Mandatory documents

✔ Latest ACRA search or instant information (dated no earlier than 6 months from date of project application)

If there are corporate shareholders, please provide the information for the corporate parents as well

✔ Audited financial statements or certified management accounts for the last Financial Year (FY)

✔ Consolidated financial statements for the last FY of your ultimate parent company, if any

✔ Project proposal

✔ Relevant proof of quotation for the cost of your project items. Where applicable, EnterpriseSG may seek clarifications on the choice of vendor and/or alternative quotation source.

Supporting documents

✔ Quotation of hardware and software costs by number of units and unit cost

✔ Employment or Appointment letters of staff*

For Consultancy cost

✔ Consultancy proposal details with fee breakdown by phases, description of activity and man-days required

✔ For projects where management consultants are engaged, please include the consultants’ proposal detailing the scope of work, man-day rate breakdown of the service, as well as the CVs and scanned copies of the Singapore Accreditation Council -accredited TR 43 or SS 680 certification(s) of each individual consultant.

Projected figures to provide:

✔ Company revenue

✔ Staff remuneration

✔ Depreciation

✔ Net operating profit before tax for three years’ post-project (inclusive of the year of project completion)

✔ Impact on workers (Singaporean or PR) benefitting from project in the form of increased wages, job creation, job-redesign or training


* If staff is not identified yet, provide the job description and designation

There are no compulsory application fees required for schemes offered by EnterpriseSG. Any application fees quoted by individuals/ firms offering grant application services are not endorsed by the Government.


EDG projects are supported on a reimbursement basis. Claims can be submitted when all project deliverables have been achieved. Claims must reach Enterprise Singapore no later than six months from the end of the project qualifying period*.

*Refer to project Letter of Offer for details on project deliverables and project qualifying period.

Step 1: Refer to Letter of Offer

Refer to your Letter of Offer for details on:

  • Project Qualifying Period
  • Project Deliverables

Projects should have been completed within the specified qualifying period, and all project deliverables should have been achieved.

Step 2: Prepare documents

Prepare the following documents required for claims submission (Claims submission checklist):

1. Update your preferred mode of disbursement on BGP and submit necessary information

Please submit the necessary information for your preferred mode of disbursement. Disbursement of the Grant will be credited directly to your bank account through PayNow (preferred) or GIRO.

PayNow (preferred)

  • Please provide the necessary details on BGP when claims are being submitted.


  • Please provide your bank account details on BGP when claims are being submitted.

Do note that the following scenarios would require an endorsed DCA form and declaration form to be submitted via formsg here:

  • Your account is not from any of the 4 banks (OCBC,DBS, POSB, UOB) OR
  • Your account is a Joint Bank Account under Partnership or Limited Partnership legal structure OR
  • Your company falls under Institutes of Public Character/Associations

2. Deliverables Documentation

3. Cost Items Documentation for audit (e.g. Invoices, bank statements, employment contract, etc.).

Step 3: Submit claims on BGP and select auditors

Submit claims

  • Log on to the Business Grant Portal (BGP) and select “File a New Claim”. Refer to the BGP guide for more information.
  • Upload project summary report and documentation of project deliverables under “Project Report” tab in BGP.

Select auditors

  • During final claim submission in BGP, select an auditor from Enterprise Singapore’s Pre-Qualified Panel to verify your claims, unless expressly exempted by Enterprise Singapore.
  • Upload cost items documentation (e.g. invoices, bank statements) under “Supporting Documents” in BGP.
  • Upon completion of the above steps, submit the claim and record the claim number for future reference. If you require further technical support on your claim submission, please contact Enterprise Infoline.

What happens after you have submitted your claims

  • An EnterpriseSG officer will verify that the project deliverables have been met, and may contact you for further information if required. A site visit or presentation meeting may be arranged for this purpose. You may be asked to revise your Project Report if the information is incomplete.
  • Concurrently, the auditor that you have appointed will verify your claim documents and issue an Audit Report upon completion of the verification. The auditor may contact you for further information if required.
  • The approved claim amount will be disbursed within six to eight weeks via your selected mode of disbursement to your designed bank account after successful verification of project deliverables AND expenses. First time applicants will need to ensure your PayNow or GIRO is set up and furnish the PayNow or GIRO details to EnterpriseSG for fund disbursement.
  • You will be informed via email when the grant has been approved
  • An email will also be sent out by DBS to the email address entered at the mandatory email field in CA/claim form to inform on the credit of the fund.

Ready to apply?

If you are eligible for the Enterprise Development Grant, submit your application on the Business Grants Portal (BGP) now.

Apply Now

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) helps Singapore companies grow and transform. This grant supports projects that help you upgrade your business, innovate or venture overseas under three pillars: Core Capabilities, Innovation & Productivity and Market Access.

The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) and the Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) grant are separate schemes with different intents. The PSG supports companies looking to adopt specific productivity solutions or equipment, while the MRA supports companies who wish to take their first step into overseas markets. Since the areas of support have been pre-specified, the purpose of the PSG and MRA is largely to facilitate ease of adoption.

The Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) is a tool to support the growth and transformation needs of companies. Companies would need to submit individual project proposals with details on their business plans and project outcomes for evaluation.

Companies keen to apply for the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) should meet these criteria:

  • Be registered and operating in Singapore
  • Have a minimum of 30% local shareholding
  • Be in a financially viable position to start and complete the project

The Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) funds up to 50% of qualifying costs for SMEs, and up to 30% of qualifying costs for non-SMEs. Grant applications will be assessed on Group Revenue and Group Employment Size. Refer to the specific project categories for any other eligibility conditions.

The Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) supports projects under three pillars:

  • Core Capabilities – Projects under this pillar help businesses prepare for growth and transformation by strengthening their business foundations. Five areas supported include business strategy development, financial management, human capital development, service excellence, and strategic brand and marketing development.
  • Innovation and Productivity – Projects under this pillar support companies that explore new areas of growth, or look for ways to enhance efficiency. Three areas supported include automation, process redesign, and product development.
  • Market Access – Projects under this pillar support Singapore companies that are willing and ready to venture overseas. Three areas supported include Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), pilot project and test bedding, and standards adoption.

The Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) supports projects that are executed domestically, as well as those that help companies to venture overseas.

In capability building and internationalisation projects, significant costs are usually incurred by companies related to third party consultancy, software and equipment, and internal incremental manpower. Other supportable cost components or areas of support may be available in the various project areas. Please refer to the specific sections for details.

Most projects undertaken by companies should be completed within 12 to 18 months upon successful grant application.

You are advised to keep the project timeline to a reasonable duration, to ensure the outcomes remain relevant in a rapidly changing economic environment.

You may find out more about the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) from business advisors at our SME Centres.

You may apply for the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) via the Business Grants Portal. You will need your company’s CorpPass to apply.

To apply for the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG), you will need your company’s CorpPass. If your company does not have a CorpPass account, refer to the CorpPass Guide for instructions on how to set one up.

You need these information to apply for the EDG:

  • ACRA information
  • Audited financial statements
  • Relevant proof of quotation or proposal
  • Management consultancy scopes
  • Relevant consultants’ certification

Project proposal templates are available to guide companies in their preparation for submission.

You may wish to consider why the previous application was rejected before submitting a new application. Projects that are not aligned with the intent of the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG), or those that have already commenced, will not be supported.

You may speak to business advisors at our SME Centres for advice on business upgrading. 

The Applicant shall ensure that the suppliers and service providers engaged in this project do not have any relationship, connection, association or dealings with the Applicant or its related companies or their directors and common shareholders.

Yes. You are required to work with management consultants that possess the SAC-accredited TR 43 or SS 680 certification.

These consultants are certified by personnel certification bodies that have been accredited by the SAC to help businesses identify and select management consultants that can support their business upgrading journey.

This certification recognises management consultants who possess the right knowledge, competence, ethics and experience with the management consultancy process to support businesses in their projects and growth strategies.

The SAC has accredited personnel certification bodies with certification schemes for management consultants. Examples of SAC-accredited personnel certification bodies include the Institute of Management Consultants (Singapore), Singapore Business Advisors and Consultants Council Ltd and TUV SUD PSB Pte Ltd. Companies can find more information on the respective certification body’s respective websites.

As announced in Budget 2019, all companies applying for EDG from 1 April 2020 will have to commit to worker outcomes as part of the qualifying requirements. Worker outcomes include increase in wage increment, job creation, job re-design, or training for existing staff.